Bloqueio econômico coordenado para libertar a Palestina

Segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2024

The global economy is complicit in genocide. Join participating cities in blocking the arteries of capitalism and jamming the wheels of production.


Sydney, Australia; Canberra, Australia; Kansas City, USA; Melbourne, Australia; Halifax, Canada; St. Louis, USA; Western MA, USA + Middleton, USA; Chicago, USA; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Miami, USA; Seattle, USA; Bay Area/San Francisco + Metro, USA; Portland, USA; Eugene, USA; Philadelphia, USA; Vancouver, Canada; Kent, United Kingdom; Montreal, Canada; Hudson Valley, USA; New York City, USA; Detroit/Dearborn, USA; Brussels, Belgium; Rouyn-Noranda, Canada; Montreal, Canada; Peterborough, Canada; Johannesburg, SA; London, UK; Atlanta, USA; Adelaide, Australia; Seoul, South Korea; San Antonio, USA; Long Beach, USA; Cincinnati, USA; Utrecht, Netherlands; Belfast, Ireland; Toronto, Canada; Providence, USA; Fremont, USA; Edmonton, Canada; Tampa, USA; Ceredigion, UK; Athens, Greece; Maui, USA; Ottawa, Canada; Dublin, Ireland; Genoa, Italy; Leicester, UK; Zurich, Switzerland; Newcastle, Australia; Manchester, UK; Elizabeth, USA; Maple Grove, USA; Copenhagen, Denmark; Rennes, France; Hume, Australia; Catalonia, Spain; Brisbane, Australia; Alice Springs, Australia; Tallahassee, USA; Hobart, Australia; Castlemaine, Australia; Geelong, Australia; Darwin, Australia; Nigeria; Tarragona, Spain; Barcelona, Spain; Shannon, Ireland; Medellin, Colombia; Houston, USA; St. Paul, USA; Calgary, Canada; Regina, Canada; Tucson, USA; Phoenix, USA; Mexico City, Mexico; Margate, UK; Leeds, UK; Bristol, UK; Newcastle, UK; Stockholm, Sweden; Mount Pearl, Newfoundland; Labrador, Canada

Uma proposta para coordenar um bloqueio econômico em várias cidades no dia 15 de abril, em solidariedade à Palestina, recebeu recentemente um grande número de compromissos de participação nos EUA e internacionalmente.

A proposta afirma que, em cada cidade, identificaremos e bloquearemos os principais pontos de estrangulamento da economia, concentrando-nos nos pontos de produção e circulação com o objetivo de causar o maior impacto econômico, como fizeram as paralisações de portos nos últimos meses em Oakland, Califórnia, e Melbourne, Austrália, como apenas alguns exemplos.

Há um sentimento nas ruas, nesse movimento recente e sem precedentes pela Palestina, de que a escalada se tornou necessária: é preciso mudar de ações simbólicas para aquelas que causam dor à economia.

À medida que o Iêmen é bombardeado para garantir o comércio global e bilhões de dólares são enviados para a máquina de guerra sionista, devemos reconhecer que a economia global é cúmplice do genocídio e, juntys, nos coordenaremos para interromper e bloquear os centros logísticos econômicos e o fluxo de capital.

Mutual Solidarity Agreement for April 15

We will act in solidarity with each other in the face of attacks from the media, politicians and the police and the Zionist project. We will support each other in the following ways:
Se uma cidade enfrentar repressão policial, as outras cidades estenderão ou expandirão seus bloqueios ou iniciarão outras ações em resposta, se possível, com o melhor de suas habilidades e capacidade.

Não atacaremos umas às outras ou as ações umas das outras nas mídias sociais ou na imprensa. Realizaremos um relatório pós-ação para que possamos levantar críticas com base em princípios entre nós de forma construtiva, e não publicamente.

Every city will take responsibility for choosing and planning their own local actions. Fellow organizers will not discourage or denounce each others plans because solidarity means affinity, not ownership.

We will keep each other safe by not talking to the police, not coordinating with the police, and not talking to them about our actions or our fellow organizers.

Anti-Repression Resources

Content will be updated daily! Click on the plus icon to open the tab.

Every city should contact their local National Lawyers Guild chapter to begin discussing what legal support they can provide, including legal observers, know your rights trainings, and access to a local bail fund.

U.S. Bail & Legal Defense Funds

United States A15 Bail & Legal Defense Fund!

Donate here to support community members who are criminalized in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine. Should the actions of the state result in the need for it, these funds will be used for bail, legal defense, and support for defendants.

Indianapolis A15 Bail & Legal Defense Fund

Donate here to support community members who are criminalized in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine. Should the actions of the state result in the need for it, these funds will be used for bail, legal defense, and support for defendants.

National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Program

The National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Program is a network of activists, community members, organizers, legal workers, law students, and lawyers providing legal support for protests and movements taking an abolitionist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, and anti-imperialist approach to human rights work. Members across the country provide Know-Your-Rights and Legal Observer® trainings, assistance in setting up temporary legal offices and legal support structures, Legal Observer® coverage during protest events, materials for supporting activists engaged in mass protests, and more.

"Know Your Rights: A Guide For Protesters" Booklet

This booklet aims to give people thinking about going to or organizing a protest information about best practices for interacting with law enforcement in-the-moment, as well as advance information to consider in order to assess risk and prepare for possible police encounters.

Pipeline Legal Action Network

We are working to facilitate and support legal planning for activists targeted by the state during the Line 3 pipeline resistance campaigns. We hope to help prepare people and support their efforts to build their own legal support structures within their affinity groups and organizations, rather than having a service model of legal support. We are also aware that not everyone comes prepared to the resistance, and sometimes people are swept up in mass arrests without support or resources. We aim to make sure no one falls through the cracks.

Center for Constitutional Rights - "If An Agent Knocks"

The Center for Constitutional Rights created If An Agent Knocks to provide advice to activists likely to be targeted by FBI agents or other federal investigators. Since its original release in 1989, If An Agent Knocks has been widely circulated in progressive activist communities across the country. Our updated guide includes both the timeless advice included in the original version and extensive updates to reflect the current state of the law and law enforcement tools.

A Reminder from the National Lawyer's Guild

Regional and Local Contacts

Due to the sensitive nature of this action, some folks organizing for April 15th prefer to remain anonymous, or embedded solely within their existing communities. If you are organizing within your community and would like your email added here, please send it to [email protected].

Questions & Press Requests

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Bloqueio econômico coordenado para libertar a Palestina

Segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2024

The global economy is complicit in genocide. Join participating cities in blocking the arteries of capitalism and jamming the wheels of production.

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